Sunday, October 11, 2009

Locals 10/11

Went 3/1 with current Gwen Stacy build. Drew some epic hands even OTKing with all 3 Blue-Eyes and two Red-Eyes Darkness Metals in one duel.

Placed fourth and didn't pull worth crap from the Yusei DPs I grabbed though, >_<

Traded a few cards and got my a Power Tool Dragon playmat, pretty nice if I say so myself.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hidden Armory/Arms Hole

How'd I forget about this card finally hitting the TCG!? This is a great month for releases IMO. I need to order me 3 of the new structures ASAP, need a playset fo Bribes for my Mill deck.

Ramblings of sort...

Currently tweaking a Dark Gaia/Montage deck I threw together a week or so ago. Will have a rough build up once I am happy with it.

Planning on tweaking my Hero deck as well, add in that ScR Wildheart I've had for a few weeks now and possibly swap the Decrees for some Bottomless and other protection stuff, open to suggestions.

Gone a week or two without locals due to a lack of cash, though I got a nice sum of cash hit me this week so I can make my triumphant return, or something along those lines.

Happy, gonna get a few Red-Eyes Wyvern next week. Planning on running two in my Blue-eyes deck and possibly one in my little brother's dragon deck.